
PEP Aset 4 Field Cepu

Program Kehati


Local Organic Fruit Cultivation PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field

GERBANG BLORA is an innovation program that aims to handle critical land issues and improve community welfare in Ledok Village, Blora District. This program was implemented by developing a village fruit garden by planting 1500 fruit trees consisting of 500 crystal guava seedlings, 500 honey deli guava seedlings, and 500 avocado seedlings. Previously, the land in the Ledok village was categorized as unproductive and fire-prone, with only grass and weeds growing on the land. This initiative grew from the urgent need to increase the income of the village community, which is still classified as an extreme poverty village. 

The GERBANG BLORA program aims to utilize critical land and increase income through fruit farming while providing solutions to environmental problems. Before the program, the land in the Ledok village was not optimally utilized and often experienced land fires that hampered productivity. After the implementation program, previously unproductive land is now optimally utilized, providing a significant economic contribution with projected village income reaching Rp 4,5 billion per harvest season. This innovation also creates a sustainable ecosystem that supports critical land recovery and provides sustainable social-economic value. Ledok Village fruit garden has become an educational and pilot center, which attracts the attention of various educational institutions such as students of Ronggolawe Collage of Technology (STTR) Cepu, Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Solo, as well as elementary school students in Sambong District. 

The GERBANG BLORA program succeeded in increasing the Green Open Space (RTH) area of Blora Regency by 4 Ha or 0,016% of the total RTH area of Blora Regency of 25.488,26 Ha. The index of biodiversity in 2024 reached 1,10.  This innovation not only improves environmental conditions but also provides significant economic and social benefits to village communities. 

Laporan Status Kehati

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Inovasi Kehati

Laporan Inovasi Kehati PEP Field Cepu 2024 Inovasi Kehati Download