Shareholder Information and Share Ownership Percentage
PHE's main/controlling shareholder is PT Pertamina (Persero), a state-owned enterprise (SOE), with a direct ownership of 99.9968% and an indirect ownership of 0.0032% through PT Pertamina Pedeve Indonesia. As a result, PT Pertamina (Persero) is both the parent company and the ultimate owner of the Company.
There is a change in the composition of shareholders, based on Notary Deed of Marianne Vincentia Hamdani, SH No. 8 dated 1 September 2021 Regarding the Implementation of the Establishment (Legal End-State) of PHE Subholding Upstream. Because PHE remains a Limited Liability Company and not a public company, this Report is unable to disclose information about the following: the names of shareholders, including the 20 largest shareholders and their percentage of ownership; the names of shareholders and their percentage of ownership, including the names of shareholders who own 5% or more shares; a group of community shareholders with less than 5% share ownership each; and the names of the Board of Directors of Commissioners as well as the direct and indirect ownership percentages.