Upstream Subholding Organizational Structure

In line with the approval of the 2021-2023 Manpower Utilization Plan (RPTK) for the Subholding Upstream Work Area with SKK Migas, a Manager Level Organization to the Lower Subholding Upstream has been established to ensure operational excellence, business sustainability and business growth through PHE Board of Directors Decree No. Kpts-013/ PHE00000/2021-S0 dated 15 March 2021. This Decree on the Implementation of the Subholding Upstream Organization is effective as of 1 April 2021.

In accordance with the Management Strategy to implement the Subholding Upstream Organization in stages, the Subholding Upstream Organization for Manager Level and above has been established through Decree of the President Director of Pertamina (Persero) No. Kpts - 19/C00000/2020-S0 dated 16 June 2020 regarding the Basic Organizational Structure of Subholding Upstream and followed up in Decree of the President Director of Pertamina Hulu Energi No. Kpts-009/PHE00000/S0-2020 dated 24 August 2020 presented in the following chart:

description bagan-struktur-organisasi.png