
Educational, Health and Indirect Economic Impact

Educational, Health and Indirect Economic Impact


Scholarship for >690 students (incl. students from Sakai Tribe, Suku Anak Dalam, teachers in remote areas, and selected students at Energi and Mineral Polytechnic aka Akamigas). The quantum scholarship given with details as follows:

Elementary-High School: 386 students

Akamigas: 116 students

Diploma-Bachelor’s Degree: 187 students

Master Degree: 3 students

The flagship education programs have also encompassed edu-preneurship and are integrated with renewable energy usage.


The flagship program in health sector is clean water supply, which benefit:

3.324 household provided with access to clean water facilities from 5 flagship programs

3 economy activities formed by clean water management, generated IDR 284 million/year in total

Increasing of public health status (who suffered from diarrhea, skin diseases, etc)

The flagship of public health programs have also encompassed edu-preneurship and are integrated with renewable energy usage.

Indirect Economic Impact

Additionally, PHE Subholding Upstream and its subsidiaries indirectly benefit the community through the use of facilities constructed to support the company's operations. The use of these facilities is entirely probono. PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) constructed a concrete road leading to the Jambaran - Tiung Biru (JTB) Gas Field, which serves as the primary access point for local residents.

The 4.5 kilometer long road quality improvement project connects Mojodelik Village, Gayam District, with Bandungrejo Village, Ngasem District, in Bojonegoro Regency, East Java, and was carried out with the involvement of local residents. The first phase of 2.5 km of construction was completed in 2021, and the second phase of 2 km will operate from the end of 2021 to the beginning of 2022. Good road conditions will enhance community mobility and make it simpler for tourists to reach the Puthuk Kreweng Tourism area, allowing them to generate economic benefits and improve social welfare.
