Energia News

Commitment to ESG, PEP Donggi Matindok Field Community Empowerment Monitoring Program for Togong Tanga Cultural Communities

Commitment to ESG, PEP Donggi Matindok Field Community Empowerment Monitoring Program for Togong Tanga Cultural Communities

Banggai Island - The management of Pertamina EP Donggi Matindok Field East Indonesia Regional Subholding Upstream Pertamina, conducted monitoring of the empowerment program for the Togong Tanga Indigenous Communities, which are part of the native tribe of Peling Island, namely the Sea Sea Tribe in the Banggai Islands Regency.

This effort is a form of commitment to Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) performance, where indigenous people are one of the important indicators in assessing sustainability performance.

This program also supports the government's efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, Goal 15 Terrestrial Ecosystems, Goal 13 Climate Action, Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Goal 5 Gender Equality.

Monitoring activities were carried out on Tuesday (23/01) for the Sustainable Kokolomboi Program in the Kokolomboi Hamlet, Leme Leme Darat Village, Buko, Banggai Islands Regency, concurrently with the Celebration of Achieving the Gold PROPER from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) together with beneficiary groups.

"We would like to thank the stakeholders who partnered with us to empower the Kokolomboi community so that the environment improves and the community becomes economically empowered. Through this monitoring activity, we also hope that this program will be ensured to run according to the planned targets, and also to make sustainable improvements," said Field Manager PEP Donggi Matindok Field, Ridwan Kiay Demak.

Leme-leme Darat Village is located approximately 4 km from the Village Government Center, 120 km from the center of the Banggai Islands Regency, and 674 km from the center of the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government. Geographically, Leme-leme Darat Village is located on the western part of Peleng Island, which is 2 meters above sea level. There is one hamlet located at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level, namely Kokolomboi Hamlet. This village has a total area of 600 hectares with a settlement area of 8.5 hectares.

Data from the Village Government shows that 15.05% of the population of Leme-leme Village are poor. They meet their livelihood needs through shifting cultivation, illegal logging, forest encroachment, and hunting wildlife both for commercial and personal consumption.

Continuous deforestation has widened social disparities because many communities depend on the ecosystems within them. Illegal deforestation has resulted in highly critical land conditions. Data in the Banggai Islands Regency shows highly critical land conditions in forest areas of 144.86 Ha, and critical land of 28,026.87 Ha. In addition, these activities have also threatened endemic wildlife of Peling Island such as Tarsiers and Banggai Crows.

This program integrates 3 approaches including ecological approach, socio-economic approach, and socio-cultural approach. The ecological approach is the initial step for the Company and the community to improve the ecosystem and the food chain of endemic wildlife in Kokolomboi.

To maintain the sustainability of the program, the economic conditions of the community also need to be improved through environmentally friendly methods and in line with the goals of the program implementation. The company, together with other stakeholders, then created innovations in cultivating honeybees and friendly branches through the innovation of palm stem beehives. Through this innovation, honey farmers no longer engage in tree and cliff destruction in the Kokolomboi area.

Beekeeping is one of the efforts to rehabilitate forest areas considering the role of bees as pollinators that help pollinate plants around the area. In addition, honeybee cultivation also becomes a livelihood for the community, which previously sold timber and hunted wildlife. Honey farmers involved in the Kokolomboi conservation area reached 10 people with honey stone harvest capacity of 2,000 liters/year and branch honey of 1,750 - 2,000 liters/year.

The Kokolomboi honey farmer group also involves honey farmers outside the area to meet market demand, and to date, 245 members have been affiliated with a production capacity of 8,400 liters/year.
Based on visitor data managed by the Kokolomboi Conservation Park Manager, there were 453 domestic tourists and more than 60 foreign tourists from 22 countries who provided additional income for the surrounding community as environmental service providers with domestic guest rates of Rp 60,000/person/day and foreign guests at Rp 200,000/person/day.

In addition to economic benefits, this program has also had a positive impact on the environment through land restoration of 4 Ha and ecosystem recovery with the planting of 2,500 endemic flora seedlings which also serve as food enrichment for endemic wildlife. Environmental improvement is also shown by an increase in endemic Tarsiers from 17 to 46 individuals and an increase in Banggai Crows from 1 to 8 individuals.


East Indonesia Regional Subholding Upstream Pertamina manages oil and gas upstream operations geographically spread across East Java, Sulawesi, Maluku Islands, and Papua, consisting of offshore and onshore assets. In addition, there is 1 downstream asset, namely Donggi Senoro LNG. Working areas under the East Indonesia Regional include Zone 11 (Alas Dara Kemuning, Cepu, WMO, Randugunting, Sukowati, Poleng, Tuban East Java), Zone 12 (Jambaran Tiung Biru, Banyu Urip), Zone 13 (Donggi Matindok, Senoro Toili, Makasar Strait), and Zone 14 (Papua, Salawati, Kepala Burung, Babar Selaru, Semai).
